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Annie and Susan watch from the livingroom window, very excited, as a convoy of Carnival trucks rolls into town. Soon, they will be setting up at the park, and the girls know that this weekend will be awesome fun! What they don’t know is that setup will be quicker and easier this year for the carnival crew. This is the first year that they aren't towing generators and diesel tanks behind the trucks because these trucks have Compound Electric Hybrid Drive Technology - and the ability to run the Carnival more efficiently by using their high output batteries.


Susan’s dad, Tom, is an electrical inspector for the city and will be giving the final OK for the Carnival after they pass his inspection. As he walks around checking the load centers, disconnects, junctions and cables, he notices instead of cables going to generator trailers, that they plug right into the side of the truck cabs. Chatting with lead setup foreman for the Carnival - Tom learns more about how these units use intelligent power management systems to balance low and high-power demands with the batteries synchronizing with the engines that charge them during the peak use hours for the carnival rides.  Tom peers inside around the big battery stack in the center of the truck and that Infinitely Variable Transmission is right there with them. He’s impressed! And everything checks out good!


Let the games begin, and the rides! The girls were right. This weekend feels like endless fun and adventure. And for everyone, this is the best upgrade yet. Not only did the Carnival trucks switch to Electric Drive mode when coming into town for Zero Emissions, but now, after topping off the batteries from plug-in sources and running the truck engines as needed, they are ready for serious fun! With the Compound Electric Hybrid, these carnival trucks not only get incredibly better MPG on the road, but the efficiency and operating savings continue while running the carnival rides and all those fantastic lights!


The games are dinging, buzzers are blaring, and all those lights are dazzling while the Tilt-a-whirl is spinning. But no one notices behind the scenes that each of the truck engines and battery packs is maintaining a very efficient energy source for all that is happening. Since rides are occasionally idle, the batteries easily keep the show going before needing the natural gas fuel engines to charge them back up. And these specially designed engines hum along at a constant high efficiency rpm, so they not only charge the batteries - but also help send power to the rides at the same time when needed. (Versus that crazy generator running all the time.)


It’s a sad day for the girls when the carnival show is over. But it’s zero emissions for the trucks to head out of town and onto the next roadshow stop. No more generator engines running incessantly during the entire carnival is fantastic! This year’s carnival season is going to be more wonderful for everyone and the environment! A much more family-eco-friendly way to have fun at the carnival!

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