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Ben Cadman has been waking up at 4 AM every weekday for the past 30 years to join his comrades in a fleet of concrete delivery trucks at the batch plant. Over time, he has encountered every stressful and dangerous situation that comes with maneuvering these massive vehicles to deliver concrete.  

However, things are different now that he is driving a new truck with Zero Emission -Compound Electric Hybrid technology.


The new trucks operate quietly and emissions-free in electric-only mode at the batch yard as they gather water, gravel, and cement for mixing.  Meanwhile, the mixer drum spins continuously thanks to an electric over hydraulics connection. Once he hits the highway, the bio-diesel fuel engine powers the truck down the road and recharges the batteries at the same time - using the extra power available. Unlike traditional trucks, Ben's new rig has no gears to shift through - and the mixer drum keeps turning smoothly as they go down the road.  Ben is enjoying this!


As Ben approaches the delivery site, he switches the truck back to all-electric mode, and the real fun begins. Instead of using the steering wheel and pedals, he swings over the Joystick controller for operating the truck slowly and with lots of cameras (almost like a video game). The Infinitely Variable Hydrostatic Transmission allows him to easily command the operation for inching the heavily loaded truck forward or reverse, right or left, with the Joystick while using battery power only. The maximum starting torque is available immediately (even in all-electric mode) and is more than any truck he has ever driven.   This ensures that he can maneuver the truck easily and safely.

After navigating the steep incline to the delivery drop point, Ben uses the Joystick buttons to unload the concrete easily and at the desired rate without using the brakes. Thanks to the hydraulics, he can lock his position in place as he unloads. 


"This is so much better than me sweating while smoking the clutch and gears and revving the engine trying to grab enough torque; sputtering, shaking and punching the brakes to control crawling up a hill"  

Ben says.

Once he completes his delivery and heads back on the highway, the fuel engine turns on again, humming at a consistent best efficiency rpm for powering the truck down the road and at the same time charging the batteries!  Ben is happily heading back to the batch plant for another load. This Zero Emissions technology ensures that human exposure to exhaust is eliminated in concentrated areas such as the batch plant and construction sites, which often include surrounding clusters of residences and businesses.

Truck drivers have a tight delivery schedule and get very few breaks during the day. However, at the end of the shift, they can plug in to charge up and use less fuel the next day. Additionally, bio-diesel or other fuels with negative carbon contributions can be delivered to fuel the trucks during the evening. Overall, Ben is thrilled with the new truck and its fantastic technology, which has eliminated a lot of stress and reduced the dangers from a traditional truck – as well as now minimizing its impact on the environment.  And the company owners couldn’t be happier – now saving a lot of operating costs with these new rigs. 


Ben's nephew Edward has also started in another division of the company driving their new hybrid heavy truck and trailer combinations, for delivering construction materials and gravel to job sites. Like Ben's truck, Ed switches to zero emissions at crucial moments of human exposure along their routes, thanks to their Compound Electric Hybrid technology. Despite heavily loaded, this high-tech drive train immediately starts out with 120,000 lb./ft. of needed axle torque, enabling these trucks to powerfully operate anywhere in electric-only mode, making them both environmentally friendly and efficient ... and super easy with no shifting!   

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